Wesley Hunt
Laboratory-Grown Diamond Committee for the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO)
Wesley Hunt is an engineer by training and after being top of his year at Cambridge University, moved into the diamond industry where he has been for 25 years, living in Belgium, Israel and currently the UK.
Wesley Hunt is the current Chair of the Laboratory-Grown Diamond Committee for the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO). In 2019, Wesley was asked to lead a group of both Laboratory Grown Diamond and Natural Diamond industry representatives to try and agree a common language & Guidelines for Laboratory-Grown diamonds. This was at a time when there was an enormous amount of animosity between many industry representatives, but despite this, in 2021 the Committee agreed on a recommended language that diamantaires, retailers, bourses, governments and trade groups could use for reference as how to work with both products alongside each other. In 2024 this was extended to include recommended ESG guidelines to be able to legitimately start to make Environmental claims.
02-Sep-2024Innovation TheatreNew Certification Standards and Trade Descriptions of Laboratory Grown Diamonds